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Collaborating With Us

Healthcare Centres / Clinics / Nursing Homes:

How you can collaborate with us:

  1. Put student art physically on the walls of clinics, or use for brochures, cards etc.

  2. We can conduct art workshops for patients such as origami, simple sketching, crafts etc. 

1) Use of artworks on brochures in clinics.

4) Images of artworks on patient files and outpatient cards.

7) Use of artworks on prescriptions and medicine bags. 

2) Use of artworks behind invoices in healthcare centres.

5) Thank you, celebration cards, etc. 

8) Muraling projects at healthcare centres 

3) Distribution of small printouts of artworks to patients.

6) Artwork images on stationary (notepads, mugs, pencils, etc). 

9) Senior buddy programs

We truly believe that even the smallest use of art, such as on invoices and patient files, will help spread positivity and bring a smile to the faces of all patients and healthcare personnel.


How you can reach out to us:

3. Choose your preferred artwork from the samples provided by our team. 

5. Welcome to Art:Connect! We look forward to working on future projects with you. 

2. Communicate with our team via emails and online meetings to finalise details

4. Display the artwork brought to your institution by our team*

 * With the current situation on hand, all artwork will be sent digitally 

For students:

Interested in collaborating with Art:Connect. Check out our volunteering opportunities here. Submit your artwork today, or help grow the Art:Connect team by joining or volunteering with us. 


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